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Why Conserve Water?

Because we have a finite amount of water and a growing population, sooner or later we are going to run out.

Did you know water is also energy. Approximately 20% of the energy used in the entire state of California is used to treat, pump and deliver water.


Learn more here at California's Integrated Water Reuse Management Center.


Why Conserve Water?

Why Protect Our Watershed?

Why Conserve Energy?

Why Organic & Non-Toxic?

In addition our traditional organic & nontoxic practices for promoting the health of the soil contribute to water conservation by making the plants healthier & stronger to begin with and the extra humus in the soil absorbs & retains more water.


Why Conserve Water?



Natural Front Yards - Lawn Replacement - California Natives - Water conservation - Sustainable landscaping


Natural Front Yards (NFY)

NFY is a low cost, low maintenance, professionally installed lawn replacement program using primarily drought tolerant California native plants.


Let us replace your lawn with Beautiful California Natives!


Starting at only $4.50 per sq. ft.


Copyright © 2016 EarthCare Landscaping | All rights reserved.

175 Bernal Road #210, San Jose Ca 95119

CA Lic. # 993690    |    Contact us today:  (408) 871-2792